
Transporting the Elderly

Transporting Seniors and the Elderly
Transporting seniors and the elderly can be a tough task especially when it involves long distance traveling. This may be due to health issues or mobility complications. In this article, we explore the various transportation methods that could be used and offer travel tips.

Aging and Traveling
As one ages, their driving ability is severely impacted and not many seniors and elderly can drive on their own. Drivers who are aged 60 and above require more light as compared to when they were younger. The fact that over a third of persons aged 65 and over in the United States experience age-related hearing loss also hinders their ability to hear high pitched voices such as car horns and sirens.
Other factors that may impact on seniors or elderly’s ability to drive are; pain in the joints or muscles which may impede their reaction time and the use of over – the – counter medications or prescription drugs that may affect their ability to drive safely.

Factors to consider when it comes to transportation services for the elderly.
There are a few factors to keep in mind when it comes to transportation of the elderly and this includes;
Health Condition of the Senior/Elderly
This is one of the most important conditions to consider – the health condition of the senior or elderly person. Depending on their health condition, the mode of transportation and of course the resulting cost, transportation required may vary. This is especially the case when it relates to the transportation of handicapped elderly and seniors. We, therefore, recommend that you consult your doctor to know their needs before making this decision.
Insurance Coverage
You should ask yourself whether the mode of transportation is covered or will be covered. There are those insurance providers who may opt to offer transportation for medical purposes. Contact your insurance provider for more information on this.
There are public transit services that offer discounts to seniors and the elderly and therefore you can save more especially if the need of transportation arises regularly. Check with your transportation provider and purchase a discounted ticket or pass that you can use.
When moving around with the elderly, you should think of what you are going to carry with you. In case you need to carry essential items like a wheelchair you may need more space and you may need to organize for special transport.

Transportation Options For the Elderly
There are various companies that provide transportation services for the elderly or handicapped including;
Lyft or Uber
Paratransit (available for those who are eligible under the Americans with Disabilities Act)
Public Transportation Services

Air Transport
There are numerous air transport airlines that accommodate the elderly. If you are using air transport, ensure you check whether they allow wheelchairs. Also always remember to request for an aisle seat near the bathroom for easy access.

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